You know i felt like i should express what is on my mind. It can range from politics to video games, Who will listen? I'm hoping at least 1 person and if you are that 1 person then thanks.
but i'm not the social butterfly or the Emo crying about how its hard to live in a 2 story house and have parents who love me im only bitching and moaning cause i feel like I'm not getting enough attention.
No I'm the person who is just trying to live, and make something out of myself.
So maybe this won't get read a lot or seen at all i don't know but lets get started.
1st off I'm a dude 18 yrs old. (btw its old not young I've heard people say " I'm 18 yrs young" you sound like a retard when you say that get over it we all die suck it up and do something useful.)
Any who i thought I'd ramble on and just talk about something.
fuck i dont know what to talk about this worked out better in my mind. -_-
why does it seem like everyone trying to be the same?
i dont see what being a robot is so fun I'd rather be me a person with my own ideas and morals but a copy of what is "cool" or "normal". on that subject what is normal?
just a word that changes with each person so we can't be "normal"
but we try to be the same as celebrities, rappers , and "be cool"
and im not saying everyone who likes rap is like this but most that i have seen.
try to be "gangster" or 'gangsta" you just look stupid g unit dont try to rock what your not
i hate what has happen to music im not a fan of rap and i know what your think " gasps" but i like music that isn't all about drugs bitches and money.
but that's just me guys
but yeah thats all i got for now